West Devon Methodist Circuit




Who: Primary School Children

Where: Varies

When: School Holidays

Holiday Clubs tour across the area, generally making stops at Halwill, Hatherleigh, North Tawton, Okehampton and Winkleigh throughout the year. With our huge team of wonderful volunteers, we provide a day of pick ‘n’ mix crafts, sports, gaming and cooking activities. Days usually run from 10am to 3pm so we ask children to bring a packed lunch. To make it affordable for all, we have a tiered fee system so it is affordable for families of all sizes.

Upcoming Dates and Details:




Who: Primary Schools

Where: Primary Schools

When: Bookings Required

RE:TREATs are RE (Religious Education) treat sessions that are led by members of our team and local volunteers to share elements of the Christian faith. Themes include Harvest, Light, War and Peace, Christmas, Unity and Friendship, Easter, Protecting the Environment and Transition. These can be delivered in and out of season and we are also welcome to theme requests.

To book a session, find out more or to book a meeting to discuss options, email sarah@infusionwestdevon.org



Who: Children and Parents

Where: Bridestowe Methodist Church

When: 3rd Saturday of Every Month

Wellies and Wonders is a chance to take time each month to enjoy nature with the whole family. We will have crafts, a walk with a chance to explore what’s happening in nature that month and finish with a meal together. Come along to sing, play and explore nature and how amazing God’s creation really is.

Upcoming Dates and Details:


We also have events for families that include children, so head over to the families page to find out more.
Page last updated: Wednesday 30th September 2020 11:45 AM
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