West Devon Methodist Circuit

Lay Assistant

Vicki Penfound

Much of my youth was spent near Holsworthy and so I’m not a total stranger to this corner of Devon. I went to a youth group in Halwill which was also attended by folk from Madworthy chapel. However, I moved away at nineteen and after times in North Wales and Derbyshire working with what was then called Methodist Guild Holidays, I settled in Norfolk for twenty-seven years. I was accredited as a Local Preacher in 1993. My return to Devon was prompted by a family bereavement, my late step-mother Rosemary Brown was a Local Preacher in the West Devon Circuit for many years. It is now my privilege to share the love of Christ with congregations that she knew so well, from those same pulpits.

When I moved to Devon in October 2017 I began to work in adult mental health, which I continue to do on a part-time basis. My previous career working with the elderly in Norfolk has also equipped me with some relevant experience to bring to the role I now have in the Circuit. What is that role? Mainly pastoral, the rest is unfolding and evolving as we go along. I am keen to see the Body of Christ working as a whole and it has been a joy to be part of a new branch of the World Day of Prayer and also ecumenical Lent groups. I have long felt a calling to encourage spiritual growth through exploration of the scriptures in an easy and accessible way. Sharing with people as we studied the Psalms was very rewarding. My experience of the people of the West Devon Circuit has shown me that there is a wealth of wisdom and depth of spirituality here. Rich resources to be encouraged and nurtured so that together we continue to build the Kingdom of God.

Page last updated: Wednesday 13th September 2023 10:43 AM
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