West Devon Methodist Circuit


Winkleigh - EX19 8HU

Services - 11am     First Sunday of each month 6pm - alternates between Recharge, a service led by our young people, and Cafe-style worship. 

Winkleigh Methodist Chapel is a growing church situated right at the heart of a village that has doubled in size during the past twenty years, seeking to meet the needs, socially and spiritually, of the community. Lively contemporary worship is led by a team of Worship Leaders and a small band. A Sunday School is a regular feature of the morning Services at Winkleigh.

The recently developed kitchen has enabled the church to open the "OASIS Coffee Shop" every Wednesday morning as a drop-in for teas, coffees, cakes, savouries, light lunches, etc.

Oasis cafe open on Wednesdays from 11 am to 2 pm, providing tea, coffee and lunches. For further details please contact Fiona Marshall

A men's group has recently started, meeting monthly.

Youth work is done through SPACE, our Youth Club, and participation in events such as Stowford Camp. See the "Children & Youth Work" section for more.

More can be found on Winkleigh's Facebook Page & Webpage

Winkleigh Chapel

Page last updated: Thursday 30th September 2021 9:59 AM
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