West Devon Methodist Circuit

Family & Children's Worker

My name is Sarah and I attend Madworthy Methodist Church.

I became a Children and Families Workers in September 2017 after finishing my BEd in Primary Education (Mathematics) at Plymouth University.

Having grown up within the circuit, I have been encouraged to develop a variety of interests such as dance, photography, film, technology, web design, camping, music, music technology and lighting.  I always love to be doing something!  Therefore, as someone who can never sit still, I am always looking for ways to do things differently so that they are engaging, active and often messy. This has led to many crazy projects, that initially sounded impossible. However, with the support of the Circuit Leadership Team, the wider circuit and local Churches/Christians Together, we've been able to make things such as light:quest and the Pop Up Christmas Nativity happen. 

Page last updated: Wednesday 13th September 2023 10:42 AM
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